Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Tenth Circle

The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult

Published in 2006. 385 pages.

First Sentence (from Prologue): This is how it feels when you realize your child is missing: The pit of your stomach freezes fast, while your legs go to jelly.
Last Sentence: But when it looped in a half circle and turned upside down, it could mean only one thing: It was dumping luck off its back - anyone's for the taking, if you happened to see where it landed.

What its about (taken from Metaphorical journey through Dante's Inferno, told through the eyes of a small Maine family whose hidden demons haunt every aspect of their seemingly peaceful existence. Trixie Stone is an imaginative, perceptive 14 year old whose life begins to unravel when her boyfriend breaks up with her. This leaves a void that can only be filled by shameful self-mutilations. While Trixie's dad Daniel notices his daughter's recent change in demeanor, he turns a blind eye, just as he does to the obvious breakdown in his relationship with his wife Laura, a college professor. When Trixie suffers through a single act of violence, Daniel and Laura are forced to deal not only with the consequences of their daughter's physical and emotional trauma, but with their own transgressions as well.

My thoughts about this book: I really liked it. This was the second book I read by Jodi Picoult (in December I read 'My Sisters Keeper' which was also very good.) One of the themes is the unbreakable bond between parent and child, including how far will a parent go to protect their child. You really connect with the characters, which mainly consist of the mother, father & daughter. But you also learn about the head detective on the case, who has a story of his own. Having daughters myself, I learned some things that go on in the world of teenage girls. Although most were scary, I think it gave me a new perspective on parenting through the rough times. I was especially touched by the portions written from the father's perspective, a daddy talking about his 'little girl'. The Tenth Circle evokes many emotions in the reader and for me, it was a page-turner. I couldnt wait to find out what really happened.

When I finished it: March 2, 2008

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