Thursday, March 6, 2008

My mom is here!

What a wondeful feeling! After taking the triplets to school this afternoon, I went to pick up my mom at the airport. We got lunch together, stopped home to drop off her luggage, then headed back to the school. I was lucky enough to sign my mom up to be a Mystery Reader in Megan and Morgan's classroom. The girls were so excited to see her, they didnt think that she was coming until this weekend! It was a nice surprise for them!
Then we brought all the girls home and played together the rest of the afternoon. We watched some TV, ate dinner, gave tubbies and early to bed for my little angels. ;)
Now my mom and I have gotten the time to spend just the two of us watching TV, talking and remembering the 'good ole days'.
Tim was called on a flight down to the islands today, but he is due back tonight (well around 1:00am). I am looking forward to the next four days with my mom here. I miss the time we all lived together. But I'll tell you, this has definitely taught us to appreciate every minute we have together and not take a second for granted.

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