Monday, March 3, 2008

Did he cross the line?

I check our pastor's blog often and last Monday this is what he posted:

"This week at SFC we are going to pull out all the stops to create an environment that will create a little tension. I promise you that this Sunday at SHORE you will have a moment when you say, what the heck just happened? I believe people will see God in a fresh way. That's all I can tell you, but I promise you, you won't want to miss it. Make sure you invite someone. Get your friends there. It will be a day you won't want to miss."

So, our friends were here this weekend and they decided to go to church with the girls and I on Sunday. Right away, I'm thinking 'Uh oh!' So, I 'warned' Anita & Carl, I was like brace yourself. The series is 30 days to live, right?

When we first drove up, there was a hearse parked out by the street in the grass in front of the church. We were like, what the heck is that for?
Then when the pastor usually walks onto the stage, instead 2 guys carried out a coffin, opened it, and they started to perform a funeral.

There is an announcement saying 'We are gathered in honor of Timothy Chambers...' in reference to his funeral. Our pastor was inside the freakin coffin, you could see him laying there, eyes closed. Then as the other guy is reading from the bible about death, Pastor Tim slowly sits up and jumps out of the coffin.
Most people laughed because they tried to lighten it up a bit to make it cute. But, I think some people were really offended.
He was trying to leave an impression, he wanted everyone to pay attention. The service was about when you die, what kind of impression have you made on this life. Who did you impact, what did you stand for, etc. And he said the best place to examine those things about yourself is at a funeral. He wanted us to stop and take 5mins and imagine your funeral. Who would be there, How many people would show up? What would those who had to make a speech say about you?
So I totally understand where he was coming from, but I think he may have pushed it a bit too far. It was an interesting sermon, definitely one I wont soon forget. But, what do you think...did he go too far??

1 comment:

CKF said...

It sounds like it definately made an impression but I have to say I think I would have been upset about it, especially since there were young kids in the "audience". I think its one thing to make an impression, and another to do something like that but death and funerals can be such a different range of emotions for different people and I think would seriously be worried about the impression on the children. But that is just me:)