Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Sickness sucks!

There is just no other way to say it. I hate sickness. This is awful. The very worst is seeing my girls sick. That was terrible with those scary-high fevers, horrible choking coughs, sad weepy little eyes.
So thank God, they seem to be better for the most part. And they returned to school today.
But me. Its awful. I am so thankful that Tim is home with us, he is doing a great job taking care of the girls. He even put pig tails in the triplets' hair for school, what a daddy! I feel so out of it. I was supposed to attend a Parent Workshop at the school tonight, but of course had to miss that.
I ache from head to toe. My sinuses hurt and I have ear aches. I feel so weak and havent really eaten in 3 days (except for a few nibbles here and there). Finally I took Nyquil last night which basically knocked me out for most of today. I spent the whole day in bed. But it even hurts to sleep because of my muscles, it almost feels like my bones ache if that makes sense.
Is this the flu? I dont know. I just want it gone. I really dont think it's something that a doctor can heal, but I will go tomorrow if I'm not feeling any better. Most of you know, I am not fond of going to the doctor and I always put it off till the last minute.
So, thats whats going on here. Now I'm going to try to eat a piece of toast and drink some tea. Please, send positive healthy thoughts this way. I need them.

1 comment:

CKF said...

hope you are feeling better. it sounds just like the flu (two co-workers had it this week-and even American Idol was hit!) Its pretty bad this year. I hope you are all better soon!!! big hugs!