Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

10 Predictions for the Next 4 Years

Play along HERE!

1. All of my girls will be done with car seats...wow...
2. Our lease will be up on the Armada - we'll have a lower car payment!
3. I will be working full-time.
4. Kaitlyn will be in Middle School (6th grade...sigh)
5. Triplets will be in 3rd grade...oh my.
6. Tim's job will be more secure and less worry about lay offs.
7. Gas prices will probably go back up a bit (but hopefully not too high again!)
8. Tim & I will be at our goal weight and exercise regularly.
9. The world will view the US more positively - no more war for us.
10. Technology will continue to rapidly progress beyond our imagination.

OK...so some of that includes lots of positive thinking, but hey, why not?!?!

Next Week: 10 Things I Am Thankful for This Year

Blog sig Kim

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