Monday, November 10, 2008

Manic Monday

Manic Monday #141

What was the first thing you thought when you looked at yourself in the mirror today? 'Oh boy, you look tired!'

Do you have a recurring nightmare? If so, explain. Not really, or at least none that I remember.

List three foods you can’t stand: Mushrooms, that cold Cranberry sauce jelly stuff served at Thanksgiving (yuck!), Cottage cheese. (I could go on - heehee!)

Blog sig Kim

1 comment:

Paula71 said...

What was the first thing you thought when you looked at yourself in the mirror today? Is it Monday again????

Do you have a recurring nightmare? If so, explain. I do, It is of me getting caught in a house fire.

List three foods you can’t stand: Mushrooms, Chicken on pizza, Italian Dressing.