Monday, November 3, 2008

Please V-O-T-E !!!

Tomorrow is the BIG DAY... it is the day that we as Americans get to exercise our RIGHT TO VOTE!

Whether you are Republican or Democrat, whether you support McCain or Obama, whether you are Rich or Poor... you must VOTE.

I am very nervous about this election... America has more riding on this outcome than we have in any prior year. The two candidates are very different - and while I'm sure they both have their fair share of good and bad qualities - you must lean toward one or the other. Honestly, I have not been 100% decided until just the last few weeks. I really put a lot of emphasis on the debates (both Presidential and VP) and they definitely influenced my decision for tomorrow.

I am not here to persuade you one way or the other - all I ask is.. PLEASE VOTE. It is so important for our country.

CLICK HERE to find out where all of the major polls stand right now - Obama's lead is gaining by leaps and bounds.

On a side note, my condolences go out to Barack Obama and his family as they mourn the loss of his grandmother, who died of cancer today at age 86. What a sad event to happen just before the election - it would have been nice for her to be here to celebrate with him tomorrow (**oops did I just say that! heehee**)

Blog sig Kim


Anonymous said...

with any luck he will NOT win but I am losing hope.
Your friends from PA

CKF said...

I am hoping he does win:)

going to vote in a half hour!!! You gonna be up watching tonight?

Count Your Blessings said...

Yes, I will be watching the Election coverage tonight - and hoping that we dont have a replay of the 2000 Election - I want the results TONIGHT!!!!

CKF said...

Me too. I am really afraid of anything like 2000. I hope its definative!