Tuesday, October 14, 2008

We've been GHOSTED!

Apparently our town has a fun tradition which we have just become involved with!
Someone rang our doorbell tonight, but they were gone when we got there. We found a fun basket of treats and a note that read that we had been GHOSTED and now we have to GHOST someone else in our town within 24 hours.

There was also a big white paper ghost hanging on our front door, which we have to keep up until after Halloween.

The goal is that every house in our town will have a white ghost on their front door by Halloween. Isn't that a cute idea? I thought it was really neat. It feels special to know that someone was thinking of you too!
I happen to know who GHOSTED us because I was talking to the mom today, but it is supposed to be a surprise. The girls LOVED it!! We have already decided who we are going to GHOST tomorrow night. I typed up a fun letter and will get together a basket of treats for their surprise.
Just thought I would share this little story -- it is yet another benefit of living in a small town!

Blog sig Kim


Elizabeth said...

that is so cool! maybe if i liked my neighbors (and they weren't all wierd) i'd start something like that here.

CKF said...

That is such a cool idea. I would love to live in a town that did that. reminds me of Gilmore Girls!

Count Your Blessings said...

Now that I am aware of this tradition, it's fun to drive around the town looking at how many houses have a ghost on their door!! I thought it was adorable and actually doing the ghosting tonight was even more fun!! :)