Saturday, October 25, 2008

Mr. Magorium...

Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium
Click HERE

Release date: November 2007 (currently running on HBO)

Genre: Comedy, Family, Fantasy

Rated: G

Cast: Dustin Hoffman, Natalie Portman, Jason Bateman

What its about: Mr. Magorium never outgrew his toys - pretty remarkable, considering the guy is 243 years old. Magorium, a lively fellow with wild hair, a pet zebra named Mortimer and a fondness for shoes, has been running Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium for the last century or so. But big changes are ahead. See, Mr. Magorium has worn out his last pair of favorite shoes, and since he bought enough to last a lifetime, he knows he's about to die, er, depart, as he puts it. So Magorium hires a stuffy accountant (whom he immediately dubs Mutant) to determine what his store is worth and prepares to hand the whole thing over to his day-to-day manager, Molly Mahoney.

What I thought: I loved it. And I am very picky with movies. It was perfect to watch with the girls -but has deeper meaning for adults as well. And dont be surprised if it brings a tear or two to your eye...

Blog sig Kim

1 comment:

CKF said...

Good movie:) We have it and loved it!