Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ten on Tuesday ~ Week 9

10 Personality Quirks

1. I chew on inside of my cheek when nervous or bored
2. Sleep with heater by my bed
3. Load lots of chocolate into my chocolate milk
4. I prefer blue pens over black.
5. After taking the wrapper off my straw, I always blow thru it before putting it in my drink (and never EVER ball up your straw wrapper when we're together, PLEASE!?)
6. Tim & I have a secret language (we call 'LIF') that we use when we don't want others to know what we're saying (although Kaitlyn picked it up right away, she can understand AND speak it!)
7. Always sleep on the side of the bed farthest from the door.
8. I mute the TV during commercials - all the time (or FF if on DVR).
9. Have to check all 4 girls before going to bed myself - I cannot sleep if I have not gone to see each one of them.
10. Whenever I sneeze, I always sneeze twice.

Next week: 10 Places I'd Love to Travel To (haven't gone to yet)

Blog sig Kim


Elizabeth said...

Wow...we have way more in common than I thought!...except your secret language...I still don't get it (pretty sad that Kaitlyn has it figured out and I don't)

Count Your Blessings said...

Thats awesome! And here I was thinking I was strange - heehee! :) If you heard LIF enough, you'd catch on too...we speak it almost every day!