Thursday, April 3, 2008


Not sure if I had ever mentioned this before, but I am ALWAYS tired. I rarely have energy. I talked to my doctor about it and she said I need to eat right (working on it), exercise daily (started biking and walking) and taking vitamins.
Well, multi-vitamins have always upset my stomach ... terribly. Even when I was pregnant, I had to take chewable Flintstones vitamins and eat Total cereal every day to get my vitamins. Soooo....

Tonight at CVS, I picked up a Super B-Complex vitamin with Folic Acid and Vitamin C. I had done some research online and this is what I found on the Psychology Today website:

"B vitamins are often called the energy vitamins, but they are more like keys that unlock it. Fatigue, irritability, poor concentration, anxiety and depression—all can be signs of a B vitamin deficiency. That's because compounds in the B complex are needed for everything from the healthy maintenance of brain cells to the metabolism of carbohydrates, the brain's source of fuel. Bs are also necessary for production of neurotransmitters, which regulate mood and conduct messages through the brain."

Here is another site I got some good info from about B-Complex vitamins and Energy. I will keep you all posted with how this works for me. In case anyone else suffers from this same problem, I am definitely open to any suggestions of things that may have helped you!

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