Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ten on Tuesday

10 Memorable Vacation Moments

1. Ocean City, MD every year with Mommom and Poppop (from approx 1999 thru 2005)
2. Disneyland in California (Jan 2001)- memorable in a bad way :( I was pregnant (didnt know it was triplets yet) and so very sick - it was awful
3. Europe (France, Switzerland & Italy) when I was in high school - first time away from home like that and only time ever to cross the ocean
4. Aruba - our honeymoon 10 years ago - enough said!
5. Disney World in Florida - more than 5 times - most recently Aug 2002 & May 2006
6. Busch Gardens, VA - as a child with my family and grandmother - cozy memories
7. Venice, FL - visiting Mommom & Poppop - June 2007
8. Romantic cruise to Bahamas (Feb 2001-pregnant with Kaitlyn)- laying together in hammock on a secluded beach
9. Flight in small Cessna to Nantucket (Christmas 1999)- now I want to go back up there in summertime (after reading 'The Beach House')
10. This Summer - living here! Honestly, this feels like the longest, best vacation we've ever had and I'm loving every minute of it!!!

Next week: 10 Least Favorite Celebrities

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