Monday, July 7, 2008

Manic Monday

Is it Monday again already?! Feel free to play along... find this week's questions HERE!

Manic Monday #124
Who would you like to see on a new banknote (dollar bill, etc.)? Bill Clinton (in honor of Carl & Anita! heehee)

If you were reincarnated as some other plant or animal, what would it be? Giraffe - partially because it would be so cool to be the tallest on the block and partly because they are so darn cool looking

If you owned your own restaurant, what would you call it? hmm, we would definitely serve the BEST hot wings around - and mozzarella sticks - quesadillas - but a name? How about... "By the Bay" - ok not so creative, but the food would be good!!

Blog sig Kim


Anonymous said...

i bet ur resto got a nice view of a bay or a lake and i'd love to go there,hehehe! great MM, mine's up!

Teena in Toronto said...

I love love love wings!

I played too :)