Monday, August 18, 2008

Promise the Moon

Promise the Moon
by Elizabeth Joy Arnold

Published in 2008. 464 pages.

Amazon link

Author's website

Women's Fiction

My overall score: 3.5/5

What its about (from author's website): In the heart of a family lies shattering secrets and a love that lasts forever... When war and its aftermath take Josh from Natalie and her children, she must find a way to heal her broken family. And so Natalie begins writing letters from Josh that she hides for young Anna and Toby to find--notes from heaven that attempt to explain why he left, to offer comfort and wisdom. But when Anna suddenly reveals that her father has been speaking to her from heaven, divulging stories only Josh could know, Natalie must uncover the secrets of her husband's past--secrets he hid to protect his family.
As Natalie's search brings her closer to her own parents and reunites her with a love from long ago, she and her children will discover just how much of a hero Josh actually was--and that only by finally revealing the truths they've hidden from each other can they find peace, a fresh start, and renewed hope for the future...

What I thought: Arnold could have easily shaved off at least 100 pages from the book and had the same effect. It was entirely too long and repetitive. However, the story and characters were well built and I was eagerly turning pages to find out how it would end. I found myself wanting to get to the end, though, without really caring about what happened in the process. The story felt realistic and was, at points, heartbreaking.

Date finished: August 14, 2008

Currently Reading: The Last Summer (of you and me) by Ann Brashares -- trying again!

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