Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Tooth Fairy

Well the tooth fairy has found us in New Jersey...hurray! Kaitlyn was very nervous that the tooth fairy would not be able to find her since we moved so far away. Of course I thought that was so cute, and my mind started racing on how to put her mind at ease. So the magic of the tooth fairy lives on in our home!

So far, there has been a story for each tooth that Kaitlyn lost and I remember each of them. We review them each time she loses another one. It seems losing a tooth is one of those milestones in a child's life where it holds a special place in their memory, at least for Kaitlyn this is true.

She just lost her 6th tooth last week at school. So that makes 2 lost at school already (within one week of each other!) For some reason when she loses them at home, she screams, throws a fit, freaks at the sight of her own blood! But at school - calm as a cucumber! I now agree that school is the best place for her to lose the rest of her teeth! ;) So the most recent tooth, she lost during Math in her classroom, she bumped her tooth by accident and it flew onto her friend's desk next to her! Kind of funny! The tooth before that (just a few days before...) she lost while trying to jump rope out on the playground. The jumprope hit her tooth and she describes seeing something small and white fly past her face! Luckily she was able to find it on the ground. Both times at school, she went to the nurse and got a special little 'tooth' case to carry her lost tooth around her neck for the rest of the day. That made her feel special! Also tells me they must have lost teeth happen a lot at school!

Prior to those lost at school, she lost one in our kitchen at Ava Circle - unfortunately her grandmom accidentally pushed it down the garbage disposal (the tooth fairy left a special treat for that one!) Another she lost at our friends Jen & Greg's house. One lost in Florida while visiting Mommom and Poppop (Poppop actually 'helped' that one out against Kaitlyn's wishes!) Eating popcorn while watching a movie was the demise of another lost tooth.

So, in all, she has lost 6 teeth. When I think, kids have something like 26 teeth in their mouth - so we will go through this approximately 20 more times in the next few years?!?!

THEN...the triplets will start losing teeth. What an adventure! We have one BUSY tooth fairy!

1 comment:

CKF said...

Very cute tooth stories!!