Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rewind to April: Part 1 :)

I'm trying to get caught up cuz there's lots going on around here that I'd like to post about daily, but feel like I'm so far behind...

April did not start out real well for us - Tim got a dreaded call from work... there were 5 more pilots laid off and those that are left were getting a $15k pay cut (this on top of the other pay cut from a month ago). He is now at a salary lower than he started at with the company 2.5 years ago. Scary. Things are not looking good at his company and although he is trying to hang in there, the future does not look bright. On top of all these pay cuts, Tim has also acquired additional duties and positions within th company (good for job security, horrible for quality of life). Therefore, he is gone even more, and rarely gets his whole week off once per month.

Mommom, Poppop & I took the girls to see Monsters vs. Aliens 3D which was SO much fun! Cool movie with fun 3D effects :)

Spring Fun playing outside:

Easter was nice -- We all made the best of it, although Tim was gone (as usual) and missed all the fun. Our town had their local Egg Hunt which the girls enjoyed. It was windy and FREEZING, so we came home like ice cubes, but it was well worth it!

Poppop bought us some beautiful hyacinths - probably my all time favorite smell and definitely my favorite flower! Of course I couldnt resist taking pics of those:

The girls and I and Poppop dyed Easter Eggs with Carl, Anita & Ry Guy:

Tommy & Kim came down Saturday morning (April 11) so we all spent the day together. Carl & Anita left that evening and Tommy & Kim slept over to spend Easter morning with us...
We were so lucky the Easter Bunny came on Sunday morning with lots of goodies for the girls!

He even hid the real eggs that we dyed all over the front yard!

Then we went to church... we tried a new church in Ocean City which we all really enjoyed!

We even baked a special bunny cake (got directions from a girl at work)...I think it came out adorable!! Especially with the girls help :)

And a yummy meal to wrap up a beautiful day!

Blog sig Kim

1 comment:

CKF said...

I LOVE the smell of Hythis. I wish they lasted longer!! Great photos!!

Easter looks like it was lots of fun and I love the 3D glasses from the movie!