Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Junie B. First Grader, Dumb Bunny

Junie B. First Grader, Dumb Bunny

by Barbara Parks

Published in 2009. 128 pages.

Amazon link

Genre: Fiction, Children's Lit

My Overall Score: 4.75/5

What its about (taken from amazon.com): It's an Easter Egg-stravaganza! Lucille is having an Easter Egg Hunt at her rich expensive mansion! And guess what? The winner gets a play date to swim in Lucille's heated indoor swimming pool! Only, here is the problem. How did Junie B. get stuck wearing a big dumb bunny suit? And how can she possibly find eggs when she keeps tripping over her huge big rabbit feet? Being a dumb bunny is definitely not as easy as it looks. Will Junie B. end up with egg on her face? Or will the day deliver some very uneggspected results?

What I thought: The girls really liked this one - they love Junie B. anyway, but this book seemed to particularly catch their interest. Maybe because I read it just days before Easter, so they could really relate to the story. Maybe because Junie B. is growing up a bit (First grade now) and she is even better at explaining things with 'gusto'!

Why I read it & where I got it: I got this book at Walmart when it first came out in paperback. We love Junie B. so I thought this would be a perfect Spring read with the girls.

Date finished: April 11, 2009

Currently reading: Handle With Care by Jodi Picoult

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