Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Clementine's Letter

Clementine's Letter
by Sara Pennypacker

Published in 2009. 160 pages.

Amazon link

Authors Website

Genre: Fiction, Children's Lit

My Overall Score: 3/5

What its about (taken from amazon.com): Clementine can't believe her ears - her beloved teacher, Mr. D'Matz, might be leaving them for the rest of the year to go on a research trip to Egypt! No other teacher has ever understood her impulsiveness, her itch to draw constantly, or her need to play "Beat the Clock" when the day feels too long. And in his place, he's left a substitute with a whole new set of rules that Clementine just can't figure out. The only solution, she decides, is to hatch a plan to get Mr. D'Matz back. If it means ruining her teacher's once-in-a-lifetime chance -- well, it's worth it. Isn't it?

What I thought: I adore Clementine. This is the third Clementine book and Kaitlyn and I have read all of them. This was probably my least fave of the three, but it was still good. Clementine is in third grade and has an endearing personality. I love how Clementine comes to terms with her impulsivity. And there are some sweet, tender moments between she and her dad. Kaitlyn really enjoyed this story as well!

Why I read it & where I got it: Kaitlyn brought this home from the school library. We read it for a book report (she's in second grade). Here is the pic of her final project:

Date finished: March 13, 2009

Currently reading: Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer ...Still...

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