Tuesday, January 27, 2009


(The Twilight Saga, Book 3)

by Stephenie Meyer

Published in 2007. 640 pages.

Amazon Link

Read my review of Twilight HERE and
New Moon HERE

Genre: Fiction, Young Adult (YA), Fantasy

My Overall Score: 4.75/5

What its about (taken from amazon.com): The legions of readers who are hooked on the romantic struggles of Bella and the vampire Edward will ecstatically devour this third installment of the story begun in Twilight, but it's unlikely to win over any newcomers. Jake, the werewolf met in New Moon, pursues Bella with renewed vigilance. However, when repercussions from an episode in Twilight place Bella in the mortal danger that series fans have come to expect, Jake and Edward forge an uneasy alliance. The plot patterns have begun to show here, but Meyer's other strengths remain intact. The supernatural elements accentuate the ordinary human dramas of growing up. Jake and Edward's competition for Bella feels particularly authentic, especially in their apparent desire to best each other as much as to win Bella. Once again the author presents teenage love as an almost inhuman force.

What I thought: Once again, a winner in my book! (pardon the pun...) Eclipse has a nice combination of both Edward and Jacob and can be summed up to Bella feeling torn between the two. So far, I liked Twilight best, this one would be my second fave of the series, and then New Moon would be last. I have one more to read to complete the saga, however I have a few books I want to read before then! These 600-700 page books take so long for me, I need to throw a few shorter ones in there to break it up a bit!

Why I read it & where I got it: It is the 3rd book in the four-book series I'm currently reading and I got it from amazon.com.

Date finished: January 19, 2009

Currently reading:
Say When by Elizabeth Berg

Blog sig Kim


Unknown said...

I love the new lay out baby :)

CKF said...

Well I am one step closer to reading the first book...I bought it at target a week or so ago for $6-I will get to it eventually!!