So, I will be working 8:40am til 1:40pm which is perfect because I drop the girls off at 8:30am, how perfect is that?! Plus I'll have a little over an hour to come home to relax before going back to get them.
Also, I found out today that I will be working one-on-one with a little boy in First grade. So I am excited to meet him on Thursday and really get hands-on!
Thank you so much to everyone for your support right now! I received so many blog posts, emails, text messages, phone calls, etc -- which makes me feel so grateful to have such an awesome support network! This is a major adjustment for me and knowing you care makes it so much easier! Thanks again!!
Sounds like a great job! Good luck getting back into the working world.
This sounds like the best thing for you all the way around! It doesn't get much better than working for a school district, epecially when it comes to still being available to your kids!
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