One Minute Tips Unclutter Your Mind: 500 Ways to Focus on What's Important
by Donna Smallin Published in 2006. 282 pages.
Amazon link Genre: Non-fiction/Self-Help/Time Management
Overall Score: 4/5
What its about (from A calm, uncluttered mind is the best defense against the stresses of contemporary life. Smallin offers 500 quick tips and creative ideas to help busy people clear away unnecessary worries, daily stresses, and unproductive habits.
Smallin’s helpful tips inspire readers first to clear the daily mental clutter, then to keep the stress at bay and cultivate authentic joy. The quick solutions address such common problems as setting goals, regaining control, nurturing relationships, accepting mistakes, reducing debt, and organizing physical clutter.
What I thought: I liked this book. It was a quick read and organized very well. Of course, most of what's in it is stuff you have heard before, but there were definitely some new and interesting tidbits to learn from.
Here are a few thoughts that inspired me:
Part 1: Clear Out
Chapter 1: Be Here Now
* Actions speak louder than words. What do your actions tell your friends? What do their actions tell you?
* Give that which you most wish to receive. If you want love and respect or forgiveness, show love, respect and forgiveness to yourself and others.
Chapter 2: Choose Authenticity
* Talk about how you want to spend your time here on Earth. If you were to die tomorrow, what would you like to be remembered for? What personal qualities? What achievements?
* Think back over the past month. How would you spend your time differently? How would your priorities change?
* Make a list of things that make you happy. Come up with at least 100 ideas. Do at least 3 of those things each day for 3 weeks.
* Find quotes that inspire you to be your best. Place them where you will see them everyday.
Chapter 3: Focus Inward
* Start a list of things you've been putting off, that you would like to do if you had the time.
* When grocery shopping, spend more time around the perimeter (fresh foods). Inner aisles are mostly processed or junk food.
* For every pound you want to lose, you've got to 'lose' 3,600 calories either by consuming less or burning them off.
* Drink enough water. It keeps skin smooth and healthy, minimizes cellulite and wrinkles. It can prevent medical problems, flushes toxins out of your body & helps you lose weight.
Chapter 4: Find Your Center (my fave chapter)
* Try to keep up with things. Keeping up is much easier than catching up.
* Stretch often - especially before getting out of bed. It circulates the blood to your head and gives you a rush of energy to start your day.
* Smile at everyone you pass today and see how good it feels.
* Cultivate close friendships. It is better to have one or two close friends than a dozen acquaintances.
* Take nourishment from the sun. 10-15 minutes of direct sun on your face, arms and hands three times a week stimulates your body to produce all the Vitamin D you need.
* Find the silver lining. Its not what happens to us, but what attitude we choose that shapes our experiences.
* Start a 'Thanksgiving' journal. Each evening, write down the good things that happened throughout your day (I do this and it does help!)
Part 2: Keep Clear
Chapter 5: Discover Your Gifts
* Act as if you can do whatever you want to do and eventually you will be able to do it.
* Pretend that you are someone who has just met you. What desirable qualities might this person see in you?
* Write down 100 things you'd like to do before you die. Identify the top 10 and work them into your goals. Determine which you want to accomplish this year.
* What's the worst that could possibly happen? Excellent question to ask when faced with difficult decisions.
* When you lose, dont lose the lesson. Learn from your mistakes.
Chapter 6: Lighten Your Load
* Live within your means by using 70-20-10 rule. Use 70% of take-home pay for bills and expenses, 20% for large ticket items (car or home), save the remaining 10%.
Chapter 7: Learn to Let Go
* If you chat on cell phone while driving, the chances of having an accident are about the same as if you were drunk.
* Don't get even; get angry. Let it all out and then LET IT GO.
* Think of someone you know who always seems to be happy no matter what. Try to figure out what he/she does or ask what's their secret.
* Rate upsetting events on a scale of 1-10. Save your energy for the truly big stuff.
Date I finished it: July 25, 2008
What I'm reading now: Promise the Moon by Elizabeth Joy Arnold