Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Krafty Kids

Our wonderful school district offers a Summer Camp program for the first three weeks in July. There are more than 100 choices, all for just a nominal fee. As this is our first summer here, we only signed Kaitlyn up for one of the courses to see how it was. We were very impressed and intend to sign all of the girls up next year!
Kaitlyn chose a course called 'Krafty Kids' which met every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9-10:30am. She loved it!
Here is a picture of most of the things she made while in camp (which ended last week):

Items include:
* T shirt decorated with fabric paint
* Canvas tote bag
* Visor hat (foam)
* Sand Art in a little bottle
* Foam Mirror
* Mug with artwork inside
* Magnet photo frame
* Foam Door hanger
* Bracelet
* Mermaid sun catcher
Plus she loves to do crafts at home - one morning while her sisters were at school, she made a necklace, bracelet and anklet...

Blog sig Kim

1 comment:

StaceyV said...

Way to go Kailtyn! We love doing crafts at our house too(well just Sarah and I do).