Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ten on Tuesday ~ Week 13

10 Favorite Time Wasters

(And by time wasters, I mean things I do when I should/could be doing something more productive!)

1. Downloading digital scrapping stuff
2. Sending Instant Messages online
3. Reading other people's Blogs
4. Sleeping/Napping
5. TV: watching my fave shows every night
6. Reading: I can get 'lost' in a book for hours
7. Editing/organizing pictures on computer
8. Sending text messages on cell
9. Writing on my own blog
10. Cleaning the girls' playroom (why bother?!)

Next week: 10 Ways the World Has Changed Since I've Been in School

Blog sig Kim

1 comment:

CKF said...

I am glad to see I am not the only one who can spend hours editing and organizing photos (or in many cases RE-organizing!)