Sunday, June 8, 2008

My Mom's Visit....went too fast!

My mom came up from Florida on Sunday May 26 and stayed with us until Friday, June 6. It was a great visit - a roller coaster ride of emotions, we all had missed her so much and the time together went way too fast.
The girls enjoyed lots of snuggle time with Mommom, we talked, laughed, cried, shared stories, ate great meals together. We took nice walks, where the triplets fought over who got to hold Ginger's leash (my mom's little Malti-Poo dog)...Megan usually won!
We watched lots of movies together: The Princess Diaries (one of the girls' new favorites!), Knocked Up, Reign Over Me, Air Bud, Enchanted ... and probably more that I cant remember right now!

We had some laptop nights - where we played around online working on blogs, music, researching jobs, apartments and churches. And we watched some TV together, like our new summer favorite 'So You Think You Can Dance'.
One night we went to Longport beach where the girls built a huge sand castle with Tim, while mom and I took a peaceful walk along the beach and had a nice talk. I even collected a few nice seashells along the way.

Some beautiful Longport homes:

They decided to get SOAKED in their clothes!

The fancy artistic creation:

Tommy came Saturday overnight into Sunday so it was like a big party sometimes! We went up to the OC boardwalk, but mom stayed home to have some quiet time to read and relax.
Overall, it was great warm sunny weather while my mom was here. But a few nights, we had strong thunderstorms with downpours, which made it really cozy. On Saturday night, during one of the roaring storms, we stayed in and played games as a family. Mom and Pops taught us to play a game called Mexican Dominoes which mom had brought up with her. It was so much fun and we have played it lots more since that night. We also made bead jewelry with the girls before bed that night.
Sunday, we tried a new church, but it wasn't so good :( Then mom and pops had a day alone together, so Tim & I kept the kids entertained with Tommy for a few hours. It was really hot and humid, so we ran the sprinkler and even gave the dog a bath outside! I helped Tim wash the boat and he worked on getting it ready to take out for the season.

Madison wanted no parts of the Sprinkler fun!

Later that evening, we took a walk on the bike path and got the girls popcicles at the corner market. Just before bedtime, during their showers, I found a tick under Megan's arm. Of course she freaked out screaming - luckily I had taught them to check themselves so she pointed it out to me. Its our first tick of the season. But I hear the ticks are worse down here in NJ, so we really have to keep our eyes on the lookout for them. Especially since both cats and the dog are in and out constantly.
It was nice that the girls got to share some special 'everyday moments' with Mommom too: showers, naps, reading books, lots of hugs and kisses, playing games and cozy bedtimes.

Some Ginger shots...

On our last full day with Mommom here, she and I went to be the Mystery Readers for Madison's classroom. It was so cute and Madison was so proud to have us there! Mommom and Poppop went to PA on Thursday to see my brothers and celebrate Sean's 36th birthday. Then they left early Friday morning for the airport. Thankfully mom had a safe trip back to Florida by Friday afternoon and although we already miss her like crazy, it's reassuring to know that she will be back up here soon.... for good!!

Blog sig Kim

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