Whether you are Republican or Democrat, whether you support McCain or Obama, whether you are Rich or Poor... you must VOTE.
I am very nervous about this election... America has more riding on this outcome than we have in any prior year. The two candidates are very different - and while I'm sure they both have their fair share of good and bad qualities - you must lean toward one or the other. Honestly, I have not been 100% decided until just the last few weeks. I really put a lot of emphasis on the debates (both Presidential and VP) and they definitely influenced my decision for tomorrow.
I am not here to persuade you one way or the other - all I ask is.. PLEASE VOTE. It is so important for our country.
CLICK HERE to find out where all of the major polls stand right now - Obama's lead is gaining by leaps and bounds.
On a side note, my condolences go out to Barack Obama and his family as they mourn the loss of his grandmother, who died of cancer today at age 86. What a sad event to happen just before the election - it would have been nice for her to be here to celebrate with him tomorrow (**oops did I just say that! heehee**)
with any luck he will NOT win but I am losing hope.
Your friends from PA
I am hoping he does win:)
going to vote in a half hour!!! You gonna be up watching tonight?
Yes, I will be watching the Election coverage tonight - and hoping that we dont have a replay of the 2000 Election - I want the results TONIGHT!!!!
Me too. I am really afraid of anything like 2000. I hope its definative!
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