Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Christmas pictures

There is so much to post about, but it's late so I will update more again tomorrow. But we got our family portraits taken tonight and the girls sat on Santa's lap, so I wanted to post these pictures before heading up to bed.

The experience with Sears here in NJ was AWFUL, but it's done and I think we got a few good shots (this was all we could scrape together out of over 25 pictures taken...and none were the girls' fault...) And these are just the proofs, so hopefully they come through well enough for you to see! Enjoy!!

Oh and the triplets got their ears pierced on Sunday...you may not notice in the pictures, but they are soooo excited and proud. And there was not one single tear, whew!


Kimberly said...


The pictures look great. I'm looking forward to seeing all of you on Christmas and New Years. Hope all is well.


Count Your Blessings said...

Hey! Thank you, I'm glad you're able to check out my blog! We are looking forward to seeing you too - and have all kinds of fun! :)
Talk to you soon!