I don't think it's ever been this long in between blog posts for me - I can attribute it to a few factors:
1. An awesomely FUN summer!
2. Facebook - since joining FB, it seems I am better able to keep in touch with friends and family, as well as post pics and update my status every day.
3. Crazy busy with Tim gone at least 3 weeks out of every month.
4. And... well... life just kinda took over a bit more than usual.
SOOOO... I'm Baaaaackkk...!! I honestly cant promise that I'll be posting full Summer updates because frankly, it's so far past that you probably wouldn't even care! And even if you did care, I probably wouldn't be able to remember half of it anyway!
Hopefully I will keep up a little better now and let's get re-connected cuz I missed you! :)